Saturday, February 18, 2012


I'm traveling again and this week I'm in the cool coastal village of Puerto Lopez. I added the map so you could get an idea of my locations. I live 5 miles west of Puyo which is central on the map. The main highway, called the Pan-American Expressway, is the yellow line that runs north to south through the cities of Quito Ambato, Riobamba, Cuenca, and others. This highway goes right down the middle of the Andes mountains. If you are having trouble finding Puyo look east of that yellow line. Okay cool. Now for my trip to Puerto Lopez we took two buses. The first went to Guayaquil, which is the biggest city in the country down in the southwest corner right on the bay. The second went to Puerto Lopez which is not on the map. However if you find the island called La Plata, Puerto Lopez is exactly east of there on the coast. The bus trip was a bear. It took 11 hours and sleeping was out of the question as the bus driver decided to take the switch backs on two wheels. I wanted to shoot out a quick blog post because so far my trip has generated some pretty cool pics. Today was especially awesome because we got to take a boat out to the Island of the Plata, which is known as the poor man Galapagos. Alright I got to run but enjoy the pictures.

Grace and Peace

The scene I was greeted with upon my arrival. Got to say the town reminded me of the last scene of my favorite movie, Shawshank Redemption!
 fisherman out to sea
slice and dice
 LA PLAYA (the beach)
 Organized chaos as the fishermen bring their morning catch in
Some big fellas
Tons a birds trying to snag an easy meal
  Ole' rusty the trusty netter
Our boat in the bay of Island of the Plata.
Beautiful coast line
 Another angle because one just wasn't enough
Island de La Plata. Pure national park, no constructional what so ever. It reminded me a lot of the TV series Lost. Little shout out to the Lost junkies, you know who you are.
blue blue blue water
 Wave meets Rock. BOOM-BABY
 Tortuga decided to pay a visit to the boat while we were eating lunch. TUNA SANDWICHES!!!
 Got to love that island
Sunset action

yep a little more of that good stuff
Almost down

Thank you Lord for a beautiful day. Your creation put on an incredible show.


  1. Zihuatanejo! Jesse and I went there on our honeymoon... That's where the last scene of Shawshank Redemption was filmed... very cool! Your pictures do resemble it!

  2. Absolutely beautiful! What an experience you are having!!! We send our love and.... still praying..... :)
