Sunday, March 11, 2012

Immerse Yourself!

God is so very very good. I feel blessed to have experienced so many different places and form relationships with incredible people. I want to rewind time a little bit and go back to two weeks ago when I had the opportunity to travel out to San Lorenzo with a surgical team. The week was nothing short of incredible as I split my time between translating for doctors and working as a scrub tech in surgery. However my favorite part of the week was after dinner when the team circled up for a nightly devotional. I cannot put into words how cool it is to hear how God is working in people’s lives.
Hearing about how God was working in others, led me to reflect on how God was working in my own life. What I found was a matter of constant verses variable communion with Christ. The synonyms for constant in the Thesaurus are eternal, regular, steady, unchanging, loyal, devoted, true, fast, firm, staunch, reliable, dedicated, committed, resolute, and persistent.  The word variable gives shifting, fluctuating, irregular, unstable, fitful, wavering, fickle, unpredictable, capricious, and volatile.  It wasn’t hard to pick the set of adjectives I wanted my faith to be described as. However, it is one thing to pick a set of adjectives and another thing to live it out. I find that living in constant communion with the Lord is hard. C.S. said that his desires would rush at him every morning like wild animals eager to devour him in his own selfishness. Yet, a couple a weeks ago in San Lorenzo, I saw a group of people wake up each morning and rededicate themselves to the Lord. They didn’t do anything fancy, they just asked the Lord for things and then gave Him space to work. Throughout the day they asked God for big things and for small things and always remembered to give thanks for the blessings He had already given. They denied their own story and were willing to live into the greater story of God. Arm, foot, tooth, and nose, they knew their identity to be part of the body of Christ doing a work for the advancement of His Kingdom. If a had to guess I think the Bible might have been advocating this lifestyle when it says “pray continually.” The encouragement I have received and want to passed on to you as a brother in Christ is this: be with God, talk with God, read His word, ask him for things, and give Him thanks for the many things he has already given.
My time down here is coming to an end faster than I could have ever imagined. I am extremely excited to see all your pretty faces and hear about your stories when I arrived back in good ole’ Michigan. Sorry there are not a lot pictures, I have started to make a video of my time in Ecuador and I will definitely post that soon. I promise I have been faithful in documenting my trip and am extremely excited to finish up this film, which I think summarizes the two months quite nicely. Well got to run. My dad and I have a volcano to climb tomorrow so I need my beauty sleep!

Grace and Peace,
 Tomorrow's Beast!
 Dad and I in Banos!
 View from our hike in Banos

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