Saturday, January 21, 2012

Babies, Leopards, and Potluck

Life is so good. As I sat to write this blog tonight I was overwhelmed by all the amazing things I want to tell you. Unfortunately I think my words and even my pictures will fall short of describing the true beauty of this country. The day started off with a delicious breakfast of pancakes and eggs with my abuelita and then my friend Nora came and picked me up to go to the orphanage. O my goodness sakes the kids were precious. When we got there the first room I wandered into was the nursery and I never left. In a matter of seconds I was dual wielding two babies in my arms. I was in heaven. There was bunks after bunks of little Ecuadorian babies. We stayed and hung out for a little bit and then we grabbed three babies and checked them out for the day. A taxi man came and picked us up and with baby Tomlin on my lap we road to the zoo. With my new found friends from the mission and the three babies we explored the jungle and the pictures describe what we found. The afternoon was spent exploring the town and eating exotic fruits. Then at night there was a missionary potluck where I got to meet most of the staff and their families. Everybody has been really great and the transition has been so easy. After dinner my friend Lizzy from England invited Duncan, Nora, and I over for tea and crumpets. Finally the night finished off with my abuelita and I watching Ecuadorian reality TV and talking about our days. Whelp thats all I got for ya. Just want to sign off with my proudest picture of the day. Shell might be poor, but it is full of love.

1 comment:

  1. The last picture is a Hallmark moment that you have captured in my mind of the love in "Shell". So glad that you are loving on others and you are receiving the love. Thank you for sharing.
