Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The simple life

Hello dearest friends. A new week has begun and believe it or not I have started to work. I have spent the past two days with Papa, Patricio, Rodrigo (Rocky), Manuel, and Jonathan working on the hospital maintenance team. For the most part I have been working with Patricio debugging the hospitals doors infected with termites. I know it is only day two, but I love these guys. They are always full of energy and jokes, but what has really impressed me is their hospitality. Working with them has been such a blessing. Outside of work life has been really simple. In the morning, abuelita and I eat breakfast and then walk to the hospital together. I found out today that she spends the day going from room to room reading the Bible to patients. How COOL is that! Then at noon I grab almuerzo (lunch) at a local restaurant which consists of soup, salad, rice, potatoes, chicken, and a fresh squeezed fruit juice for a DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS! When work is done I stop by the market to pick up some fresh fruit and then go home to make fresh juice with my abuelita. After juice is a short nap, then dinner, then reading, then bed. Life is simple and I love it. Yesterday I walked around town and took some pics for your viewing pleasure. God Bless!

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