Sunday, January 22, 2012

Market Day!

Gloria a Dios! Today started by attending the "La Luz" church service. The place was absolutely electric. It is so awesome to travel to the bottom half of the world and see the passion for Christ! This place truly loves and serves the Lord. It was also kind of fun since I was a first timer I had to stand up and introduce myself to the congregation. Talk about being put on the spot. Then after church my new buddies Duncan, Nora, Lizi, and I hopped on a bus and rode 6 miles to the near by town of Puyo. Puyo is a bigger city than Shell and is known for being the western gateway into the Amazon because the only thing east of the city is rainforest. The town is really fun on Sundays because a lot of the indigenous tribes come out of the forest to sell crops, animals, and artwork. My buddies and I had a fun time walking around trying different exotic foods and filling our bellies with delicious fruit juices. After a couple hours we caught the bus back to town just in time for a game of ultimate frisbee with the missionary clan. Finally, the night ended fantastically eating creaps at the Swedish doctor's house. It has been such a blessing to be around such incredible people. The food was great, but the conversation was even better. I swear I could sit and listen to these people's stories for hours. Whelp time is a flying, I guess I leave you with a couple pictures from the day.


  1. What an incredible experience... such a blessing... Enjoy your time there!

  2. I am awed at the countryside, villages, the pictures, the adventure, your courage! Constantly praying...
