Friday, January 20, 2012

WOW what an awesome day in Ecuador. Today I woke up in Quito and traveled out of the mountains down into the Amazon rainforest. The four hour trip was complete with four volcanoes and at least 12 waterfalls. I know its only been one day, but it is not too difficult around here to see God´s glory. On the way we made a pit stop in a city called Banos, and I had my first encounter with Ecuador´s finest cuisine. Yep pictured below is grilled guinea pig. The delicacy is an expensive four dollars, well considering a hearty dish of chicken, rice, vegetables, and beans costs TWO dollars it is kind of steep. It was a beautiful day until we finally reached Shell and it started to rain. Check that, it was freaking pouring. I guess thats why they call it the rainforest. Shell is a very small, poor town that happens to have a military base and airport. It is cool because the airport is the world´s leader in missionary planes. There is a lot of missionary pilots in town that fly out into the middle of the Amazon rainforest to provide health care and spread the good news of the gospel. Super cool. There is even a possibility that I might be able to catch a ride. Im so excited about being in Shell. The people here are great and my host grandmother is hilarious. There is so much to say, but I got to run. Peace and love from the bottom half of the world.

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